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From Story to Search: Elevating SEO with Engaging Narratives

How often have you noticed brands struggle with their content marketing techniques? You see their content rank, but it just seems so dry and uninspiring.

With SEO algorithms constantly changing, it’s time to up your SEO game!

In this month’s edition of Contently Yours, we share expert insights and tips on how companies can use storytelling to connect with their target audience, optimizing their search ranking.

June 2024


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Four Years, Countless Stories: Celebrating Authenticity and Creativity

This month we celebrate four years of authentic, handcrafted storytelling, rekindling the spark of entrepreneurial zeal.

We bring to you inspiring stories of passionate businesswomen, charting their own paths. We also delve into the nuances of business storytelling helping you discover how human emotions, values, experiences and beliefs play a key role in defining the core essence of a brand.

May 2024


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Nurturing Real Connections in an AI-Driven Landscape

While GenAI undeniably enhances companies’ ability to strategize effectively and shape engaging customer journeys, does this signal a diminishing need for human involvement?

In this edition of Contently Yours, we emphasize the significance of human-centered narratives in boosting conversions and fostering engagement. Our goal is to provide you with insights on effectively utilizing AI while maintaining a focus on the human element, ensuring that your content resonates authentically with your audience.

April 2024


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Driving Brand Impact Through Authentic Customer Stories

In this month’s edition of Contently Yours, we delve deeper to understand the role of a satisfied customer in demonstrating business value and enhancing credibility. Discover how businesses can solidify their position as industry experts by prioritizing customer satisfaction and curating compelling portfolios of success stories. Gain access to exclusive insider tips and tricks within our newsletter.

March 2024


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Celebrating the Spirit of Enterprising Women

It is our mindset that shapes us how we see the world and ourselves in it. It’s all about flipping that script in our head and acknowledging that the true battle lies within the mind. When we foster a mindset of acceptance and empowerment that uplifts everyone, we pave the way for inclusivity. We create a space where everyone—regardless of gender, race, or background—can thrive and succeed on their own terms.

Join us as we delve into the fundamental pillars of personal and professional growth, empowering ourselves and others to drive meaningful change.

February 2024


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From Emotions to Engagement: The Impact of Personal Stories

In today’s crowded marketplace, we crave more than just products and services. We yearn for meaningful experiences that align with our values, fostering personal growth and learning. This is where narrative steps in.

In this month’s newsletter we delve into the how’s and why’s of creating immersive narratives that connect, resonate and drive action.

January 2024


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Marketers’ Priority in 2024: Authentic Stories or More Content

As we approach the end of the year, it’s a moment for reflection, planning, and celebration. In this special edition of Contently Yours, we explore the essential elements that transform content into impactful stories. As marketers and storytellers, our dedication to sharing genuine, human, and authentic narratives isn’t just a priority; it’s a commitment to those we hold dear – our audience.

December 2023


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Ring a Bell and Customers Will Open the Door, Willingly

Modern customers seek intuitiveness. Retailers must grasp when customers are inclined to purchase specific types of products by maintaining a human touch with them. 

November 2023


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Sip, Savor, and Tell Stories: Stirring Emotions in Business

In this month’s newsletter, we delve into how the art of business storytelling enables marketers to create engaging stories and navigate client journeys that resonate with customers and drive action.

October 2023


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Leadership is About Shaping Minds, Not Just Markets

Are we, as marketers and communicators, truly in sync with the evolving business landscape? Are we harnessing our platforms and influence to nurture the core pillars of leadership, connection, and authentic dialogue?

Join us in this edition of Contently Yours, where we delve into the art of meaningful conversation beyond mere tactics and strategies, placing a spotlight on the essence of leadership.

September 2023


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From Lullaby To Awakening, Tracing the Narrative of Emerging India

In this month’s newsletter, we share in our joy as we witness the tricolor proudly displayed on the southern pole of the moon, reflecting India’s dominance in technology, the growing start-up ecosystem and its rich art and culture.

August 2023


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Why It Make Sense To Keep Customers At Arm’s Length 

Are we truly understanding our customers or just fitting them into predefined boxes? This month, we dive deep into the power of empathy in marketing. Join us as we explore the art of crafting engaging narratives and fostering empathetic customer conversations that build trust and loyalty.

July 2023


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The Artful Alchemy: Data, AI, and Human Touch 

Join us in our newsletter as we delve into the seamless integration of AI’s analytical power with our natural creativity, authenticity, and emotional connections. Discover how these elements harmonize for impactful marketing experiences.

June 2023


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Mirror mirror on the wall,who
is most clichéd of them all

On May 11th, we turned three. We happily sail onwards propagating the power of storytelling as a solid tool. A kaleidoscope of people traveling alongside us as we build unique stories and break clichés. Step into our adventure filled monthly newsletter.

May 2023


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Diversity Stories and
Technology Tales

This month at Contently Yours, we delve into the power of diversity within the workplace and mental wellness. We also explore the impact of Generative AI on the art of storytelling.

April 2023


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Gender matters, but
should it?

This month as tribute to International Women’s Day, we ponder on questions of gender. Join in to uncover how gender norms impact us in ways we haven’t imagined.

March 2023


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MarTech and Future of AI-Driven Content

In this edition, we dive into the marketing world, exploring the evolution of MarTech, the place of personalization, and the importance of stories.

February 2023


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Of Storytellers and

It’s a brand-new year, and in this edition, we unveil our new avatar with additional services, and of course our unique perspective on storytelling. We also uncover some tips to help leaders combat crises from Mr. Sunil Puri, Director, Centre of Creative Leadership.

January 2023


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Making of a Great Storyteller – Rewind 2022

In our Contently Yours this month, we explore the nuances of the relationship between employers and employees. You would realize and appreciate how alumni relations form a crucial part of business success today and foreseeable future.

December 2022


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Childhood Tales on
Living and Loving

This November edition of Contently Yours rekindles the urge to live that blissfully unaware childhood frame of mind, once again. It then explores how children act as influencers driving consumer behavior. Finally, we bring you the entire spectrum to dive in.

November 2022


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Securing the World Within And Outside –
Stories of Perspective

Brands go on a blitzkrieg in the festive season, trying hard to connect with the consumers. We explore what stories pull at their heartstrings and how ‘living in the moment’ gives fodder to some of the best stories.

October 2022


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Learn through

This edition of Contently Yours is dedicated to the teachers who opened the world to us through stories. Only some things need to be taught when teachers instill the hunger for learning.

September 2022


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What Makes a Great

Who is a great marketer? The August edition of Contently Yours explores the nuances of being a great marketer who strikes the balance between measurement, attribution, and intuition.

August 2022


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Communication Maketh

This month at Contently Yours, we explore the nuances of communication within the professional space and the evolution of brand communication throughout the years.

July 2022


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The Long Road to

What makes communication effective is the question we ponder upon. This month at Contently Yours, we explore the nitty-gritty of internal communication, its challenges and getting our message across hassle-free.

June 2022


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On Monsoon and Metaverse

On the eve of our second anniversary month, we traverse the world of a fascinating alternate reality in the Metaverse. We also have Vasanthi Hariprakash, Founder-Editor, Pickle Jar, sharing insights on ‘How Can an Organization Build its Story?’

May 2022


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Of Stories and Conversations in the Business World

This edition will take you through some interesting stories, from content marketing in Metaverse to why businesses need to create exceptional employee experiences. 

April 2022


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What Makes Business Storytelling Relevant

In this edition of Contently Yours, Ameen Haque, founder of Storywallahs, explains how brand storytelling shapes a company’s identity beyond traditional marketing frameworks.

March 2022


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The Power of Personal

In this edition of Contently Yours, we dive deep into the do’s and don’ts to become an employer of choice in 2022. We also have Rohit Haldankar, a Digital-First marketer take us through a journey on the ‘Power of Personal Branding.’

Feb 2022


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Building Employer

This edition brings you various facets of Employer Branding and what it takes to establish your brand as ‘Employer of Choice.’ Expert insights on sustaining a positive employer brand and reimagining the workplace to exceed employee expectations.



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Let Us Continue Telling                    Stories

We wrap up this year with a special edition of Contently Yours exploring various aspects from Employer Branding all the way to the Great Resignation. Insights from Chandramouli Srinivasan, CEO, Feedback Insights on what makes a compelling Employee Value Proposition.



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Innovation in Customer Engagement

In the Gratitude Month edition, we witness how technology equips marketers to stay ahead of customer expectations. Insights from Abhishek Shanbhag, a leader and innovator of IT on Innovation in Customer Engagement.



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Why is Business Storytelling Profitable?

This festive edition of Contently Yours brings in new perspectives on how to make the most of your MDF (Market Development Funds). Rangapriya Kannan, Associate Dean and Researcher shares insights on  



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The A-Z of Thought   Leadership

Post-covid world is bound to bring new challenges on the horizon. Thought Leadership supports industries in overcoming obstacles and nudge forward the people affiliated with it.



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The Art of Business Storytelling

Storytelling allows one to bridge the gap in Business Communication. Insights from Sachin Bhandary on how to make Business Communication clear, simple and accessible. 



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New Perceptions in Storytelling and Personal Branding

 The July edition brings you new perspectives on business storytelling and personal branding. Serial entrepreneur Atul Jalan and LinkedIn Top Voice 21’ Jaison Thomas share with us the latest from the world of business and social media branding.



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News Recitation and Jargons? A-Ha

Rica Roy has witnessed the evolution of news and told us stories that connect. Reciting news is a no-no, like how jargon is an a-ha in business. All we need and all that matters is good stories.



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Celebrating Unrelenting Human Spirit

We have turned one and we celebrate it with a tribute to the unrelenting human spirit. The anniversary edition brings you the art of Selling Through Stories by Paresh Shetty and Saying More with Less by Dan Nelken.



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Employer Branding and
Digital Transformation

Vikramjit Singh Sahaye’s insights on employer branding in the digital age is our focus this time. It’s the need of the hour for organizations.

Bonus: Pandemic vocabularies and their meanings in the current times



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Build and Sustain a Brand Story

The #StartupSpecial edition encases words of wisdom by brand guru Ambi Parameswaran and startup advice by Serial Entrepreneurs Sonia Sharma and Vishwas Mudagal.



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Alchemy of Business Storytelling

Communication Matters That Matter, Secret to Compelling Stories and balancing hard skills with soft skills in Organisation Communication by Sandrine Bardot. Surely, this edition is pure magic.



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A Spectacular Year

We move on with hope to 2021. We carry forward impactful stories we crafted, meaningful conversations we had, and the humbling recognition at the India Content Leadership Award 2020. 



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