
Communication That Captivates: Leadership Communication Leading for Employer Brand
Winston Churchill famously asserted, “The difference between mere management and leadership is communication.”  Effective leadership communication is the bedrock of trust, engagement, and a shared sense of purpose within organizations. It entails sharing information, ideas, and values between leaders and team members, fueling growth and enhancing the Employer Brand.  True leaders not only guide but...
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Two recent adverts tugged at heartstrings and brought forth fond memories of the nineties in the Indian diaspora. The first ad, launched in July 2023, celebrated India’s ‘social network’ with the popular tea brand – Red Label, which had teamed with Ogilvy’s creative team to pay homage to social networking – online and offline. Close...
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Recently, I had a disappointing interaction with the customer service of a well-known brand. I had purchased a laptop from a reputed electronic store, and despite their initial setup, the system failed to boot upon delivery. I reached out to customer service multiple times, and after much persistence, an executive finally came to address the...
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End of the world epidemic or wonder box of unlimited potential – the expectations from Artificial Intelligence (AI) are immense. When Geoffrey Hinton, ex VP Google and one of its founding fathers, calls AI posing “existential crisis” and Yuval Noah Harari, author, philosopher and futurist, calls it the Oppenheimer moment ,, something definitely sounds off. ...
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It was 1947. Like thousands of others, a young man arrived in Delhi from Sialkot, Punjab, fleeing the horrors of Partition. With just Rs. 1,500 in his pocket, he rented a tiny shop in Karol Bagh. From there, he hoped to rebuild his family’s pre-Independence business of selling ground spices.   Cut to almost three quarters...
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A kaleidoscope is always intriguing. As a child, I was captivated by the array of diverse, colourful designs. Unaware of the workings of a kaleidoscope, it remained magical and mysterious until the science was explained to me. Did the explanation ruin the magic? I would say no.   The kaleidoscope of diversity at workplace has its...
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Business Storytelling
When was the last time you were enthralled by a story?   I am sure there would have been nights where you couldn’t help but stay awake to finish a gripping novel or movie. Or perhaps, changed your perspective to something after reading an intriguing story in a newspaper, magazine, or on social media.  We have...
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Building B2B Brand Strategy: Diversity in Storytelling
Diversity and Storytelling in B2B Marketing and Branding Stories have fascinated both children and adults for centuries. People are drawn to stories because of their inclination to find meaning in everything. Every moral or virtue can be associated with an account in all cultures across the world. After all, stories create an experience that can...
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The story of content as a tool of engagement goes back to 1800. Librairie Galignani, a bookstore in Paris, took a novel route to attract people to their reading room. They started printing a newspaper showcasing articles from influential authors and books at the time. Although the story has not changed much, from then, the...
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The Superwoman label, thought to be empowering actually creates an unrealistic expectations from women. Fortunately, slowly the cracks in this idea are slowly emerging.
She works under a glass ceiling and manages household duties around the clock. Yes, she is a superwoman; but her cape is a carapace.    Every woman has been called a Superwoman at some point in life.   Yet, an IIM (Ahmedabad) study confirms that only 5% of women reach top management positions in India. These numbers are...
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