Business Storytelling, We-Storytellers

It is all a familiar territory.

Most writings can be neatly bucketed.

For creative writers there are tropes and for business, there are templates.

Clear, neat divides.

Simple. Straightforward. Sorted.

Most stories are told in certain well told way. The boy meets girl, search and found, rags to riches. These are all known tropes. Almost any story can fit into one of the molds. Readers know they are in known terrain; the surroundings change but the path is intrinsically same.

Most business writings have definitive templates. Context-Challenges-Solutions-Benefits is one such. Narratives follow linear path. Audience is given comfort of easy navigation. Headers, sub-headers and bullet points provide instant gratification for those glancing through the piece.

The tropes have worked. The templates too.

But, in their own specific zones.

What if one day trope pays a visit to its cousin, template and both decide to have some fun?

Imagine a case study written with the trope – boy meets girl; search, found and eliminate; rags to riches!

Romance and whodunnit in business writing? Naaah!

But why not?

Imagine, a cybersecurity case study turned into a whodunnit mystery. The ransomware attacker is the antagonist, the context provides the setting and the security architecture is the plot. Each strike of the antagonist is outwitted by the protagonist – the security product, with calculated moves. At the climax the antagonist is neutralized and their ilk is banned from entering the client universe.

Imagine, the product brochure of a personalization platform is written as a romance between customer and the marketer. Each move meant to warm up the courtship. Each algorithm deepening the bond between the two.

Sounds interesting? Superfluous?  

Not every story is done and dusted.

Some are work in progress.

Some are on the side menu.

Ready to tickle the tastebuds?

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